So before we went to the hospital Aiden was on a great sleep schedule. He went right to bed in his crib at around 8:30 pm and slept all night. He also went down all by himself for at least one and usually two naps in a day. After being in the hospital and living with just me in Salt Lake he decided that he hated his crib and screamed EVERY time we tried to put him in it. Hence he has a new big boy bed. Full size spoiled big boy bed.

We went to all the stores in Logan debating on what kind of comforter to get him. i don't usually love the character theme rooms but he is so into Spiderman that I was caving. We found a set at Walmart but I really did not love it - Too primary colors and cartoonish. We were going to get him that one anyway cause we weren't finding anything else. The last store we went to was Bed Bath and Beyond and we found this set. I really love it and have grand plans for redoing his room sooner than later.

He looks like he is getting so big until we put him on this bed and then he still looks tiny. He has slept in his own bed for the past 4 nights and while he still wakes up at times in the night and yells for da da, we count this as a success. He is also taking naps all by himself in his new bed. At this point he is too nervous to get off the bed himself (although he can do it) which I think is great. I am happy sad that he is getting so big!
Good Job Aiden, sleeping like a big boy! We love you and love the new room!!