We had a great Christmas and got really spoiled. While it was a little weird to be all on our own it was kinda nice and quiet! Santa gave us a bunch of family date nights like movie passes, gift cards to eat out, DVDs, popcorn, treat, etc. MERRY CHRISTMAS

We went to Logan for Thanksgiving and ended up in the ER at the Specialty Hospital because Aiden was all swollen. Turned out to be from a kidney issue. When we got back to Spokane we ended up in the ER here because he spiked a temp and was all swollen again. He had strep, the C-Diff was back and the kidney issue that he needed to be on steriods for. They did numerous tests. Results pending!

The Welsh Family Super Hero Halloween of 2011. Aiden decided that we all needed to be super heroes for halloween. Brent was Wolverine, KP was Thor Girl, Haye was Spidergirl, and I was Mrs. Captian America! Go us. It was fun.

Finally we made it to our hotel (after the truck lost AC about 190 miles from Spokane (poor Brent). The Chinese place delivered and was worth every penny. Sadly the hot tub at the hotel was luke warm and not so relaxing but at least the girls got to swim.

AHHHHH! Our 12 hour trip from Logan to Spokane went really well (ha ha ha) when we had to stop in Pocatello, ID (90 miles) to "rest". Brent was driving the U-Haul and I had the kids in the car. SO fun. At least they have a playland at the McDonald's where the kids could run around.

Brent started his Master's degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in June and resigned from Call Assistant in July(?). We got a job with Spokane Housing Ventures in Spokane, WA (this is where Gonzaga is located) as on-site apartment managers and were off on a new adventure for a Master's Degree. Bye house!

We were in the hospital for about 6 days. We went home without a central line but had a brand new pic line in his arm. He was on some pretty hefty antibiotics for about 10 days then the line came out. Due to these antibiotics, he got a bacteria in his gut called C-Diff that took about 2 and a half months to get over. The antibiotic they put him on for the C-Diff was called Flagell, he had a reaction to it and had some nerve damage in his hands and feet. Pretty nasty. We know never to use that antibiotic again.

We were doing awesome until Mother's Day 2011 when Aiden got a central line infection on Mother's Day. It was pretty scary and we got a fun ride in the abulence.