When we were in the hospital in Nov and Dec, the docs couldn't quite pin down why Aiden was having kidney issues. After a series of tests they determined that his Bone Marrow Graft had failed. Which means - Another Bone Marrow Transplant. Several amazing blessings that we have noticed since receiving the news are that we will be able to have the transplant done in Seattle (moving there soon). Seattle is where the IPEX specialists are (Dr Ochs and Dr Torgerson). They have done 6 successful transplants with IPEX patients and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is amazing! The girls will be attending the Hutch School (for siblings or children of patients) and I am sure there will be a post about it! Our family, friends, ward and co-workers have been so supportive and we appreciate everything that has and is being done for our family. We have been very blessed to be able to have good insurance and some financial resources as our whole family will be moving together and that means no more job for a couple months. We have no idea what we will be doing after the transplant and isolation phases (about 120 days). We will see as it comes! Our first appt. is March 13th in the am. So we will be heading to Seattle on Mon, March 12 to get settled in.
glad to see the blog alive and well! give hugs to the kiddos. we love you guys!