Since we had 2 day 0's, Day +1 was on Hailey's actual birthday. The last post was pictures of her awesome birthday party (kudos and many thanks to Emily, Ashely and Jen - they are awesome!) We got her on her birth- day! More presents. Hailey loves presents (don't we all) and this year what she really wanted was money (no it was her 7th birthday not her 16th!) but she did get some other things as well.

Aiden's counts are at 0 still so the girls got to wear masks while they were in the room. Grandma Rutu and Grandpa Joe came down with the girls so they could sit with Aiden while we took Hailey out for her birthday. We went to Gateway so that she could spend some of her money on rings, sunglasses and build-a-bear. Kaitlin and Aiden also got a bear. We went to see Secretariat - which we all liked and ate at the food court that way everyone could choose what they want for lunch! So much fun!

Aiden had tons of fun with Grandma - frog on the head game is always a winner. Especially when you are naked. "See how great I look everyone!"

Aiden is doing great! He has had some nausea and gets crabby (who wouldn't) but otherwise we just watch TV and hang out!
I was told that I could get Hailey another build a bear. It seems like a favorite of the presents. He loves his Grandma, just look at that cute smile!