SURPRISE! Look who came to visit! Uncle Dave, Aunt Katie and Emmy!!! We were so happy to see them and they came bearing gifts.

"Mama - what is this thing?" Emmy is walking! We didn't even know it. Hey, I know that we are supposed to keep everyone update but that goes both ways! You guys have to keep us updated as well so that we don't feel so out of the loop! Shame Shame!

Playing with uncle Dave! We ended up going to lunch while Aiden was napping - He had a low grade fever this morninr which they tell us is normal when the counts are low so they did a bunch of tests to make sure that everything was ok and there weren't any crazy bacteria or viruses that we need to worry about. Everything looks good so we just treat the fever!

Miss Emertons. She was like a whirlwind! I am so glad that I got to kiss on her chubba cheeks! Aiden won't let me at all anymore. He swats at me. So sad.

This is the Halloween gift box that we got from D/K&E. It was awesome:sixlets, kitkats, twix, reeces pb cups, stickers/stickerbook, fuzzy blanket and pillow with ghosts, smelly lotion and lip stuff (for me) sudoku, word puzzles, skeleton outfit and socks for Aiden! You guys are awesome! We love you thanks for all the goodies! While Aiden was asleep we got to go out to lunch at 5 Guys Burgers and Fries. We heard good things about it from Darren and Lisa and Dave's Boss too so we decided to try it out! Delicious- Be warned that the large fry will feed like 6 or 7 people (even though they tell you it feeds 3-4). Dave and Katie even took the girls to the kid's center here at PCMC on the third floor where they got to paint pumpkins too! We had a really fun day!

Here is our updated board - we have a special Halloween card from Dave and Katie and the Ghost plate made by Hailey! I am still missing some pictures from Grandma and Grandpa Goonan, Mike and Nichelle, and the Darren Anderson family! You can find the address to send them to us on one of the previous posts! We would really like to have those :) We love and appreciate you all! Take care and MAKE SURE YOU KEEP US POSTED AND UPDATED!
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