Ok so today Uncle Jared and Aunt Codi and Grandma and Grandpa Welsh went home and the girls stayed here with Brent and I. So while Aiden was taking a nap we took the girls to spend some time with them. We went to Noodle Co to eat and then to the two-story Smith's Marketplace to find a twin air mattress for Brent to sleep on. The couch bed is ok for one of us but only if you us the back pad as the mattress - thus we needed another mattress for the floor. :) Mission accomplished. I also bought some salmon to make for dinner tonight. Brent ended up staying in the hospital with Aiden and I took the girls to the condo.

The girls and I went to see the Legend of the Guardians. We really liked it a lot. It was so good. We didnt get to see it in 3D but Aunt Codi says that it is really cool in 3D. Of course the girls have to choose which character they are in the movie. Kaitlin is Gelphie, the navigator and Hailey wanted to be the evil Queen cause she was pretty until she found out that she was evil, then she decided that she would be the Queen of the Guardians. At least we didn't have a fight about who got to be who.

And of course we had to have chilled junior mints. Cause they are DELICIOUS. I think I ate the majority of the box. But we had lots of fun.

Here is our dinner - salmon and rice. I sent this picture to Brent in the hospital and he was jealous. Not too jealous though cause he had turkey steak and curried rice for dinner. We are eating pretty well :) we brought the essentials from home (like turkey steaks) and we have come up with some pretty good things that we can make with a microwave, convection oven and toaster.

This is the girls and I in our jammies - we glutted ourselves on Disney channel (yes we saw a movie and watched Disney channel too) we also went swimming and sat in the hot tub. Brent's orders to us were to relax and to have fun and of course we have to mind the Dad. It was really nice to just spend some quality time with the girls.
Aiden did so great with all his meds today. He slept well for his nap and he and Brent had fun watching movies at the hospital. They stayed up late too cause Aiden is turning into a night owl. I hope that he doesn't decide that he wants to keep up that schedule after we get out of the hospital. We are doing great and had a really great weekend!
HOW FUN!!! I am so glad you got time with the girls. You are an amazing mom and an inpiration. Your family is in our prayers!!! XOXOXOX
ReplyDeleteI am glad you loved the movie!! I love the picture on the bed and I am sure the girls had a blast, I just wish I was there to enjoy your cooking. Maybe I will have to hire you for a week this spring to come to Wyoming and be my personal cheff..oh and bring the kids too I have to get my fix.