Thank you Cache Valley!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hunger Games Party!

 We love the bookstore and found a Barnes and Noble that was fairly close at the Northtown Mall (about 5 miles from the RMH to the North).  First we had to gas up!  OUCH! and prices are still rising ($4.25 right now).
 When we got to Barnes and Noble they were having a Hunger Games party.  They had hair stylists, make-up artists and costumers to make us look like the Hunger Games characters - then of course there was the photo shoot! 
 They also had treats and goody bags with Hunger Games paraphernalia.  We ended up being there a lot longer than we expected and Brent was thrilled that he was again nominated to watch Aiden in the kiddy section while we got all dressed up!  He got 2 new books though so he didn't complain too much.
So fun and I usually don't go for stuff like this! Fortunate timing!

1 comment:

  1. May the odds be ever in your favor :) love the one with all three girls.


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